In my business I am reminded of how fortunate most of us are to achieve our dreams of home ownership, of obtaining our goals and provide for our families through our ability to work and or blessings of good mental and physical health.It is my desire to give back to someone every day, to brighten the day of someone who suffers, to lighten the load of someone who is overwhelmed, or to give to someone less fortunate who does not yet see light at the end of the tunnel of their life.
Real estate has afforded me many opportunities to help other people find homes or connect with agents in other areas as they relocate. It is what makes me want to go to work each day and look forward to not only the end result or a closing or transaction, but the journey along the way.
I believe in action, in being part of a solution, and in finding opportunities to help people realize their dreams. One person can make a difference and each of us owe each other to be responsible and respective of those around us by giving of ourselves, our talents and our time.
Below is a list of charities of which I have personal interests and involvement. If you believe that good things happen to those who give from their hearts, then feel free to join me in giving to these charities that touch us all.
Big Bend Habitat for Humanity
Our organization seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. We seek to develop homes and communities in which people can live and grow into all that God intended. As a community, we have many opportunities to accomplish this mission. Habitat invites people from all walks of life to work together in partnership to help build houses with families in need.For each closed real estate transaction, I pledge a donation of $100.00 to Habitat for Humanity in memory of Mehrdad Ghazvini for his giving spirit to our community and our profession.
Summer Youth Camp
Summer camp allows elementary-school children the opportunity to meet kids with diabetes. This fun-filled camp teaches kids the importance of blood sugar testing, the effects of food and exercise and the positive impact of discussing their disease with friends. Camp includes confidence-building activities. This event is done in partnership with the Florida Diabetes Camp and is supported by the TMH Foundation's Partners for Diabetes. What a reward it is to see such beautiful children from all over the southeast learning about their disease, but mostly seeing smiles as they learning they are not alone and progress is being made to make their fight easier every day.A Woman's Place
A Woman’s Place is a community education, counseling and retail center designed for women by women. Our focus is on integrating the needs of the body, mind and spirit in health promotion and the healing process.As a breast cancer survivor, this is a charity close to me on a personal level. A Woman's place is a place for women to go when first diagnosed for education, counseling, support. Resources are available for family and friends of those affected by a loved one's illness as well. Join me in supporting this valuable facility and it's goals of support and education of those facing the challenges of cancer.
Relay for Life - American Cancer Society
I will be assisting this year, 2009, in the survivor's walk and support committee at the Annual Relay for Life Event on May this year. Each year it seems to fall on Mother's Day, and each year that is my gift to mother's everywhere. Being a mother is a privilege to me, and thanks to research and medicine I am alive today to continue being a mother to my girls. Join me in the fight for the CURE!For more on the Pay It Forward Movement - Create yours today!
"...more than what I am now," ....... "more than my dreams, more than comfortable,"...." more than what I've worked for, more than what I have found,".... "more than the glimpses of beauty that call us home, more than all the ways we love and hope and bleed and hate and strive..."
-trading yesterday 2007